Story By ZachN

My wife and I have always been adventurous. Ever since we started dating, we were constantly going on trips and vacations. We both made decent money and had the pleasure of enjoying disposable income and never hesitated to put it to use for experiences and memories.

At the very beginning she gave me the, “hey I’m not looking for anything serious” talk, which made me laugh because that was my speech that I give back in those days. At this time, she was 23 and just graduated with her bachelors and had recently gotten out of a long relationship with a high school sweetheart. She explained that she just wanted to experience some independence which involved having the freedom to be with other people.

While I was already heart-on-sleeve in love, I certainly understood her situation as I was 35 at the time and had already been through a similar experience in the past, but with a different context. As the next month or so passed, and I knew that she was sleeping with other people, as she was frankly honest about it, It dawned on me that it didn’t particularly bother me.

During that month our casual FWB situation blossomed into an incredible passionate love. We made it official and naturally both just fell right into the regular old monogamous relationship. We had great sex, even more adventures and our love depend day in and day out.

It’s hard to really put a stamp on when we started talking about opening up our relationship. It seems like it was a natural occurrence that just happened one day. We talked about so much of ourselves and got so close, admitting to one another that while we were happy with only being with each other sexually, we both asked but why though? We both understood that we would naturally have sexual attractions to other people, and there was nothing to be ashamed of for that.

If I remember correctly, we had begun talking about the probability of engaging in only sexual encounters with other men, women and couples and begun to establish boundaries just prior to getting married in beautiful lake Tahoe, our favorite place in the world.

Shortly after, we had our first threesome with a very nice lass around Danielle’s age. My whole life, and just like a lot of others, I had fantasied about having a threesome with two beautiful women, but I tell ya, when it comes time to actually share and give with someone outside of a previously monogamous relationship, its both scary and intimidating! As a single male with two women, its so hard to not imagine all sorts of things that could go wrong that will just end in embarrassment.

When the time finally came, it was incredible. I found confidence in myself and was also armed with all of the talks my wife and I had about boundaries and feelings. When the clothes started to drop, I knew just what to do so that my beautiful, trusting and awesome wife was not only comfortable, but everyone involved had an incredible time.

Since, we have had a great many other experiences over the years. We took a couple off to have our beautiful and daughter, and our awesome lives had changed, and the connections with others have lessened, (although we do still play on occasion.) However, life is the very best it has ever been, and our communication and love for each other has been one of the bricks in the foundation of our marriage.