Thinking About Trying ENM Dating in 2023? What You Should Know

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ENM dating, or ethical non-monogamy dating, is becoming more popular as people begin to explore different types of relationships. ENM dating allows individuals to have multiple partners while still maintaining communication, trust, and respect with each partner.

However, ENM dating is not for everyone and requires a lot of communication and understanding with everyone involved. This communication involves talking about honest feelings and fears, so it is far from easy. If you are thinking about trying ENM or polyamorous dating in 2023, here’s what you should know.

Communication is Key

The most important aspect of ENM dating is communication. Before entering int any kind of ENM relationship, it is important to have a conversation with your partner(s) about what you both want and expect from the relationship. This includes discussing boundaries, expectations, and any concerns you may have. It is important to be honest and transparent with your partner to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings, because these feelings if not expressed and processed, will pop up out of nowhere.

Safety is a Priority

Safety should always be a priority, especially when it comes to ENM dating. This includes practicing safe sex and getting tested regularly for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is also important to establish boundaries and guidelines for meeting new partners. This can include discussing safe words, establishing a “meet the partner” policy, and discussing what types of relationships are acceptable with your partner or partners.

Jealousy is Normal

Jealousy is a normal and frequently occurring human emotion and can be experienced in any type of relationship, especially ENM or Poly dating. It is important to acknowledge and communicate any feelings of jealousy with your partner. This can help to avoid any misunderstandings and hurt feelings. It is also important to remember that jealousy does not necessarily mean that you are not cut out for ENM dating. With time and communication, jealousy can be managed, overcome, or even embraced in your relationship(s).

ENM Dating Is Not for Everyone

ENM dating is not for everyone, and it is important to recognize that. It requires frequent communication, trust, and respect between partners. It is also important to consider your own personal values and beliefs before entering an ENM relationship. If you are uncomfortable with the idea of sharing your partner with others, then ENM dating may not be for you. It is important to be honest with yourself and your partner about what you want and expect from the any sort of sexual or emotional encounters with others.

ENM dating can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for those who are open to it. However, it requires a lot of communication, trust, and respect between partners. If you are thinking about trying ENM dating in 2023, it is again vital to have a conversation, or likely many conversations, with your partner about what you both want and expect from the relationship. Safety should always be a priority, and it is important to recognize that jealousy is a normal human emotion.

However, if navigated carefully and with honesty and respect, ENM relationships can empower all of those involved. Being able to shrug off the shackles of traditional monogamy and be free to love and enjoy others freely and without constraint is something that we believe everyone should experience in their lives. This is evidenced by how many successful ENM relationships and polyamorous marriages that exist today.